How It All Came To Be!

Kosmos Stargazing Resort & Spa

Where Luxury And Stars Align. An experience for the body, mind, and soul.

Discover the roots of Kosmos Resort in the founder's unwavering passion for wellness and health-conscious living. Fueled by a personal quest for a place to reset from the stresses of modern life, our founder found solace in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Captivated by the region's boundless adventures and enchanting stargazing opportunities, he was inspired to create a resort that seamlessly blends his passions. Kosmos emerged as a haven where individuals can experience the transformative allure of this picturesque landscape, mirroring the founder's own journey to serenity and discovery.

Working towards one goal

The vision for Kosmos Resort took root in 2020 during a soul-searching trip to Colorado. The year unfolded with the finalization of land acquisition and the commencement of a challenging permitting process in 2021. The year 2022 marked a significant milestone as we secured the necessary permits and initiated construction of essential infrastructure, including the road and well. The design, material curation, and vendor partnerships flourished in 2023. Now, as we step into the first quarter of 2024, we commence the construction of our inaugural villas, marking the beginning of Kosmos Stargazing Resort & Spa.

Meet our Founder & CEO

Our founder, Gamal Jadue Zalaquett, is a seasoned software executive with eight years of experience in software startups and an impressive 17-year background in real estate. With a successful track record, he has collaborated closely with CEOs to develop essential customer experiences, scale teams, and drive efficiency to achieve OKRs. Beyond his professional journey, Gamal brings a rich background in family hospitality and a passion for travel. His connection to the hospitality industry is deeply rooted, as he embarked on his first trip at just 30 days old. Over the years, he has explored over 35 countries, staying in more than 150 hotels and resorts. This extensive travel experience has not only shaped his perspective but also fuels his commitment to creating exceptional experiences for others.

Our Values

Local & global sensibility

We give back, ensuring a positive impact on the local communities, and the environment.

Wellness & health

Nurturing well-being, we prioritize health, providing a sanctuary for holistic rejuvenation.

Hand-crafted experiences

Crafting bespoke experiences that reflect the essence of authenticity and personalized luxury.

Through investing in this hotel, I am championing a vision where hospitality meets opportunity. I see not just a property, but a cornerstone for growth in the local economy, a sanctuary for travelers, and a beacon for excellence in service. This investment embodies my commitment to shaping the future of hospitality and redefining the standard of guest experience.

Alex Black

Kosmos Investor

Investing in Kosmos resort under Colorado's protected night sky is more than a financial choice; it's a commitment to preserving nature's magic. We as investors are not just building a luxurious getaway; we're harmonizing opulence with environmental responsibility. Amidst the starlit sanctuary, Kosmos is crafting a brighter, more sustainable future where luxury and conservation coexist, guided by the stars above.

Josh Parker

Kosmos Investor

As an early investor in Kosmos Resort, we were captivated by the visionary approach to luxury hospitality. Now witnessing the transformation of this dream becoming a reality, we are thrilled to be part of this extraordinary journey towards redefining opulent travel experiences

Sean Bellew & Michelle Oo

Kosmos Investor